For the last two years, Jane Gemayel has been working exclusively from newspapers that she reads every day with a pen in hand.

Inspired by the World.

From the impressive body of work it represents, Jane Gemayel selects the most relevant stories and transforms them into iconic paintings about our era.


2 Sides

2016 - Crayon and acrylic on paper - 85 x 112 cm

Climate Change - III

2019- Crayon and acrylic on paper - 85 x 112 cm

Everything's Negotiable

2017 - Ink and crayon on paper - 50 x 70 cm


The Power of Words

Jane is impressed by the inventive power of words which constantly question the fragile harmony in our irrational world. From her latest work News as Muse, Jane Gemayel has drawn a path through art, literature and today's mass media news. Her work conveys an immediate sense of intimacy, solitude, and the feeling of an invisible caring presence. Fluid lines and complex patterns alternate with vibrating strokes and radiant colors in a unique langage that questions the essence of life.

Inspired by characters

Jane Gemayel investigate the news and reveal the real face of the one that made it.



2016 - Mixed media on paper - 90 x 65 cm


2017 - Mixed media on paper- 75 x 50 cm

Wonder Woman

2017 - Mixed media on paper - 126 x 85 cm